Al Salam University College receives the Ministerial Team for E-Learning and Digital Transformation

Al Salam University College receives the Ministerial Team for E-Learning and Digital Transformation
The Dean of the University College of Peace, Prof. Dr. Hadi Tarish Zaboun, received in his office the ministerial team for e-learning and digital transformation headed by Associate Professor Dr. Amer Salem Al-Amir and his accompanying delegation on Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Where the ministerial team was hosted in the main hall of the college, in which Dr. Ahmed Hussein Ali, the e-learning official, presented a summary of everything related to the experience of the University College of Peace and its leadership in the field of e-learning and blended and digital transformation, in addition to the research and scientific platforms and the e-learning in the college Also, during the meeting, the steps taken by the college for the issue of blended learning were presented, as well as the research published by our college researchers in solid international journals with an impact factor through the research platform.
In turn, Dr. Amer Salem expressed his great admiration for the college, Stressing that it is one of the colleges that has clearly emerged in the implementation and follow-up of the development in e-learning
At the end of the visit, the Dean of the College presented the college shield and wrote thanks and appreciation to the Head of the Ministerial Team, all members of the visiting delegation, thanking them for their great support to our College and their presence in its premises.
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