Peace University College Its Fourth International Scientific Conference (ICESA 2022) in cooperation with the IEEE Foundation.

4th International Conference on Engineering and Science Applications
(ICESA 2022)

Under the slogan “We mobilize all scientific energies in rebuilding our beloved Iraq”, Peace University College Its Fourth International Scientific Conference (ICESA 2022) in cooperation with the IEEE Foundation.
The conference aims to enhance scientific research and advance current technologies as well as find innovative solutions to emerging challenges and use them in the applications of medical and engineering technologies in all practical aspects.
The conference includes five main themes, first of which are medical technologies, Second, engineering techniques Third, computer sciences, fourth, applied sciences. Fifthly, digital transformation in the field of education.
Researchers and graduate students can participate in the conference by submitting their research through the EDAS system link. Note that accepted papers will be published in Scopus and IEEE Xplore Digital Library. After being evaluated.

important dates
1- The last date for receiving research is 1/9/2022
2- The researcher is informed whether his research is accepted or not on 10/1/2022
3- The last date for receiving the research in its final form is 10/15/2022
4- The date of the conference is 28-29/11/2022
Conference Fee
Research registration fee is $150
Conference link: